Endive Will Always Love You

Endives (or escarole) belong to the same family as frisee lettuce (also known as curly endives). Endives are versatile and less bitter than frisee, nutritious and inexpensive alternative to salad greens.
 Here endive is served with chopped ripe tomatoes and uglifruit pieces.
With beets, avocacado, feta, and lemon dressing.
 Endives are unremarkable looking fellows.
If you cut them into 1/3 inch rounds they become the perfect salad greens.
Toss with some lemon dressing and you’re all set!

Lemon Dressing

Whisk together the following:
juice of 1 lemon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil

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