Piazza Brothers Wine Room & Sopressata Making

It was snowing but not sticking on the morning that we arrived at the Piazza Brothers Wine Room in Staten Island. I was fortunate to get a spot in a company-sponsored Sopressata Making Class and decided to cover the event using my camera.
The wine room itself is hidden on a secluded road deviously beside an adult video store you may or may not ignore, but do not underestimate its humble facade because behind the door awaits the fun task of making wine or sausage, depending on what you’re there for.  A glass of Oregon white wine is what you should prefer when it comes to wine.
I was there for the sausage class, heavily documented in posts to follow tomorrow. But I didn’t pass the chance of looking around and getting to know the brothers John, Freddie and Frank, who taught us about wine and sausage, and even carved a whole roasted pig for us at the end.

Sausages hung to dry alongside oak barrels.
 Each winery needs its own artsy photo of oak barrels.
The winery’s grape/wine selection
Yes indeed.
I liked this barrel’s design.
Freddie on the left and John on the right teach us how to make sausage.
Chef Frank teaching us how to taste wine using a special technique that
uses the different taste areas of the tongue.
A whole roasted pig for lunch.
Frank expertly cuts through the pig.
After lunch, limoncello shots to cap the event.
Come back tomorrow to read about and view the great photos of the Sopressata Making Class!
Piazza Brothers Wine Room

690 Gulf Avenue

Staten Island NY 10314

Contact John @ 718 982 9463

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