Babulas Taverna in Mykonos, Greece

Fresh from a high-speed ferry ride from Santorini where we hit some turbulence and caused half of the ferry’s passengers to turn green and perform feats of projectile vomiting (nice visual, eh?), the gang was starved and was ready for more Greek fare. Walking to the town of Mykonos we passed by a taverna marked by a boat and hanging octopuses.

 Babulas Taverna hit the spot with its grilled octopus, sardines and the usual sampler of tzatziki, salad and bread and olive oil. If you didn’t read it in a previous post, may I just say that olive oil in Greece is absurdly good, even in hole-in-the-wall restaurants. It must be the air and the soil. At least that’s my theory.
Ouzo is the local liquor, made from fermented grape leaves with a very strong anise flavor that I wasn’t particularly fond of. I had more appreciation for its predecessor tsipouro, which is similar but without the strong anise, clove or coriander flavor.
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