Baked Bronzino, Bronzini, Branzino

Why is a fish dish often met with a “Wow!”? Is it because they are so delicate to make, or so hard to procure? When I moved to NY ten years ago I was amazed at how much fish dishes cost on restaurant menus, as well as their tendency to underwhelm a person who grew up in a tropical country heavy with coastlines, where fish was the poor man’s food and cooking them second nature.

Most of our fish purchases in New York were made in Chinatown, where one should only buy fish they intend to consume that day. Enter our discovery of Fresh Direct‘s Seafood Section, where the freshness and prices are unparalleled in these parts. It was a love that began with a whole baked bronzino introduced by our friend Ching-i, a dish whose simplicity I’ll share with you now.

Baked Bronzino


1 whole bronzino, head-on
lemon slices
ginger slices
olive oil
rock salt

Pre-heat oven to 400C. Arrange fish in a glass baking dish along with the other ingredients and bake for 20-25 minutes until meat is no longer translucent. Remove promptly and let rest for 5-10 minutes.

Serve with vegetables and rice.

Is that easy or what?

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