Category Archives: pets

Pet Photography: Random

This is Oscar, a country dog who has to deal with the stresses of New York City.
Doesn’t stop him from looking good.

This is Portia, whose looks may be deceiving.
She is a devious cat who was an inch away from stabbing her Pitbull cousin with a kitchen knife.
True story!
This is Toblerone, a princess from Los Angeles.
This is Jasper, Greta‘s littermate. They don’t look similar at all. 

Pet Photography: Simon

This is our cat Simon who turns eight this year. 
He enjoys playing with his sister Greta, and looking like a catfish.
He enjoys posing for the camera and getting into trouble.

Looking generally unimpressed, he is only waiting for an opportunity to kill you.
Here he is with his best foot forward.
He wants to know if you like his whiskers.
Or if you are just in awe of his good looks.
Either way you have the permission to stare.
Sometimes he’ll even stare back.
But only if he’s not busy with anything else. Like eating plastic.

Pet Photography: Greta

This is our dog Greta who turns eleven this year. She enjoys chasing her brother Simon
and making introspective poses for the camera.
She also likes to look very bored when you are watching sports.

Or while she is waiting for dinner.
She loves staring contests.
And the park.
And smelling what other people have brought to eat.
Basically, she just enjoys life.
And loves family.
Greta is the best dog ever. 
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