Prague Images

Prague is beautiful.  This is what I’ve heard a lot of people say, but don’t they say that about every other city in the world? I didn’t take much of the feedback seriously until I landed in Prague and saw it for myself. It really is pretty, and the beauty of the architecture is compressed in such a small area. All one needs to do is to take a walk and get lost and one is bound to find something interesting and awe-inspiring. It’s almost enchanting because it’s hard to imagine these structures have been around forever and are not some manufactured Disney-like attraction. Prague is a perfect European trip for a long weekend or a side trip from another city like Budapest, which is what we did when we went.  Enjoy some highlights below, and some Prague Eats here.

Charles Bridge on an overcast day.

Occupational hazards.

Tyn Church.

Charles Bridge at night.

A view reminiscent of that from Certaldo Alto in Tuscany.

Titans guarding the gate of the first courtyard at Prague Castle.

Squires of the St Vitus Cathedral.

Gargoyles at St. Vitus.

Pretty red fruit trees.

Tyn Church at night.

Mala Strana at night.

Wenceslas Square

Prague Museum

Frank Gehry’s “Dancing Building”
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