Rivalda Restaurant, Castle Hill, Budapest

It took a while to find this place in the bitter cold of Budapest in the fall, but once we did it turned out to be a hidden treasure. Rivalda Restaurant may be found in the Buda Castle District and offers a great meal in the middle of your Castle tour day.  It’s a quiet restaurant with intimate decor and a very pleasing menu. Here are some treats we tried below.
Highly recommended!

Sauteed goose liver salad.

Wild mushroom soup.

Pork chop and noodles.

Farfalle with prosciutto, wild mushrooms and basil.

Rivalda Restaurant

1014 Budapest, Színház u. 5-9
Reservations: (36-1) 489-0236 

More on Budapest here: SightsFood Photos, Gerloczy Restaurant, Rivalda Restaurant, Borkonyha Restaurant, and Szechenyi Thermal Baths.

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