In a bind, it always helps to have some basic things handy to make a light and nutritious meal. For us it was a slab of frozen Alaskan salmon we’ve kept in the freezer for a few weeks, some endives (they keep surprisingly well), and other stragglers in the fridge.
Pretty, pretty, yum, yum: Seared crispy salmon and candied kumquat over avocado, endive, red radish, arugula.
Avocados are great to purchase firm and allowed to ripen within a few days. Red radishes and endives keep very well in the fridge and are good to use as backup garnishes to salads. Arugula adds the perfect nutty companion to all these other flavors.
Top with candied kumquats or another garnish and you’re done! Serve with dressing of choice. I like lemon and olive oil 🙂