Daikon & Carrot Pickles – Vietnamese Style

Why make your own pickles? Because they are fresh, nutritious, and you know for sure what goes in the bottle.
Trivia: Did you know that traditional pickled cucumbers have zero calories? I bet you didn’t, but I would still advise against eating a jar of it because of its sodium content. 
Anyway we’ve been wanting to make pickled daikon and carrots for a while, especially because we love them in banh mis at Nicky’s or other Vietnamese restaurants. They have a sweet and tart finish to their subtle crunch, a perfect mate to salty or strongly flavored dishes.

Carrots and daikon are cut into 2-inch pieces, mixed with salt and sugar
 until they are soft enough to bend without breaking, and then rinsed.
Mix the pickling solution (mine is yellow because I used brown sugar).
Jars are filled and pickling solution is added.
Off to the fridge we go! So yummy!
Vietnamese Pickled Carrots and Daikon
(recipe adapted from the mama of NB of Kanannie)
4 medium carrots
4 medium daikon
2 teaspoons salt
4 teaspoons plus one cup sugar
2.5 cups white vinegar
2 cups warm water
Cut carrots and daikon into 2-inch strips. Mix by hand 2 teaspoons salt and 4 teaspoons sugar until daikon and carrots get soft and you can bend a piece without breaking it, about 4-5 minutes. Rinse in cold water and strain.
Arrange in glass pickle jars.
Mix pickling solution in a bowl: 1 cup sugar, vinegar and water until sugar is dissolved. Fill pickle jars and cover. Pickles are good beginning the following day and last 4-6 weeks in the fridge. Don’t forget to date them so you don’t forget!
(Additional pickling solution may be made using this formula: 1 part sugar, 2 parts water, 2.5 parts vinegar)

See also: Siriracha Pickled Cucumbers

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3 thoughts on “Daikon & Carrot Pickles – Vietnamese Style

  1. Pingback: Sriracha Pickled Cucumbers | DopamineJunkie.org

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