DIY: Athletic Memorabilia Collage

If you have an athlete at home who collects memorabilia from races and competitions such as race numbers, brochures, timing bands and medals, you know that these things accumulate quickly and take space in junk drawers. Pretty soon they become an unruly mess that is just begging to be thrown out. 
An easy way to put them to use in a stylish and colorful way is to create a collage of race numbers like this one below, using inexpensive Ikea frames and some creative taping. 
Your athlete might prefer to highlight particular events, which you may display in individual frames like  this assortment below. When placed in random and asymmetrical order, they give an appearance of an art installation and can brighten up a plain room. 
Put together in the room where we hang our bikes, this display is a colorful accent to this area and makes use of what would otherwise be junk. What a cheap, simple and creative way to showcase the achievements of your athlete with pride!
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