Tag Archives: vegetable

Awesome Kale Salad

I wanted to make the kale salad I had at 5 Leaves Restaurant  in Brooklyn so I attempted to replicate it from memory. Sorry 5 Leaves, but I think mine is a little better 😉
Here it’s served with my Quick and Simple Chicken Curry.
Begin with a bunch of kale.
Remove stems with a knife and cut the kale into very thin strips.
Crush and pit five Kalamata olives.
Using a food processor or stick blender, blend olives with the juice of one lemon 
and three tablespoons olive oil.
Pour mixture into the bowl of kale strips, mix well.
Grate about 1/4 cup of pecorino cheese and toss. 
Voila! Quick, simple and with fresh, bold flavors. 
You can’t stop eating this! Be warned.

Ginisang Collard Greens – Sauteed Filipino Style

 #filipino #vegetarian #realfood #foodie
Collard greens are readily available in any grocery store, and may be a more accessible substitute for more familiar vegetables such as bokchoy and string beans. It’s very versatile because of its ease in preparation, neutral taste and texture, so it can easily be used for many Filipino vegetable dishes. 

“Ginisa” in Filipino means to saute, and that’s really the only thing I did to this dish, other than “make it Filipino” by adding fish sauce as a flavor base. That’s pretty much it, no frills and no fanciness. But let me share the easy prep anyway:

Remove the central vein of each collard leaf using a knife.
Cut it up into strips.
Cut further into smaller strips and squares.
Start with some onions and oil.
Add collards and mix around. Season with fish sauce. Cover and let simmer.
Collards take a while to achieve the desired consistency, about 30-45 minutes on low-medium heat.
Voila. Was that so hard? This is a great side dish for adobo, pata tim, bistek, or fish.

Brussels Sprouts and Garlic

Brussels sprouts are very versatile, tasty and easy to make as a side.
We begin with some crushed garlic in oil.

When garlic is brown, add the brussels sprouts.
Shake around to coat in oil.
Sprinkle with salt and if feeling generous, a square of butter.
That wasn’t so bad, was it?
For this meal, I served it with bistek Filipino pork chops and homemade miso soup.

Garlic Shrimp and Soy Ginger Choy Sum

A quick stir-fry combination.

Garlic Shrimp

1 lb medium sized shrimp with heads

Saute some garlic in olive oil and butter until brown. Add a few dashes of paprika.

Add shrimp.

Toss around until pink.

Stirfry until cooked.

Soy Ginger Choy Sum (Chinese Broccoli)

Cut ginger into thin strips.

Cut choy sum into thirds. Saute ginger in oil until crispy and drizzle with soy sauce.


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