Favorite Things: Tagliatelle al Ragu at Al Di La Trattoria

One of my favorite treats in Park Slope, Brooklyn is the Tagliatelle al Ragu at
Al Di La, which is just absolute perfection. The restaurant itself is a crowd pleaser and has never been a disappointment. They do not accept reservations so arriving before they open for dinner is key. Brunch crowds are a little more manageable before 11 am.

I love this dish so much I once ordered it for Friday dinner ($16.50) and again for Sunday brunch ($12 – score, and a bigger serving!) on the same weekend.

I am usually more adventurous than ordering pasta with meat sauce but I cannot resist this one. It’s just all sorts of heavenly and more.

(While at Al Di La, order the Seppia Oxtail appetizer – a stew of cuttlefish and oxtail over polenta – for a rendezvous with flavor and surprise.)

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One thought on “Favorite Things: Tagliatelle al Ragu at Al Di La Trattoria

  1. Pingback: Al Di La Trattoria – again again again! | DopamineJunkie.org

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